As a credit union dedicated to improving ourselves and providing better service to our members, Clarity Credit Union developed a program known as Progress In Credit (PIC) in order to incentivize positive financial/credit habits, as well as eliminate the need to jump through all the hoops of refinancing for those who want to reap the benefits of an improved score. This program is designed to reward those who are improving their credit and paying their regular payments. Aside from making your payments on time, members do not have to do anything to benefit from this program!

“I don’t know of any other companies who are doing something like this…”

- Francois, Clarity Member

How Does it Work?

Once a quarter we look at your credit score on loans that you have had for at least 6 months. If your score has increased by at least 40 points and you qualify for a lower rate, we lower the rate, saving you money on your interest. Moreover, this is not just a one-time benefit. If the score keeps increasing, we keep lowering the rate without you having to do anything.

We believe that when you see positive progress as a result of practicing these habits, you are more likely to sustain these habits, ultimately improving your financial well-being.


What is the impact of the PIC Program?

Through our Progress In Credit Program, we have saved members thousands of dollars in interest on all their non-revolving consumer debt. Within the last couple of years, we have cumulatively saved our members over ONE MILLION DOLLARS, all of which would have been charged in interest. It is through these kinds of programs that Clarity shows its care and appreciation for the members and reinforces our philosophy of people helping people. All the money saved by members through the PIC program is money that Clarity does NOT profit. Instead of profiting, we decide to save members money. Simple as that. Our organization does not exist to get as much profit as we can from our members. We’re looking to make their lives better.


For more information, please give us a call at 208.467.6583 or stop by one of our branch locations to speak with one of our member service specialists.